Keep the end in mind

Public speaking is a high-wire act. Those first few moments are crucial. Your heart beats faster. You’re sizing up your audience. And of course, they’re watching every move you make. But once you get your flow, it all seems effortless. You feel a connection – like you’re moving in step. It’s exhilarating when that happens. 

In cooperation with Logitech I’m putting together a list of “speaking hacks”. This is part three and it builds upon what we learned from Hans Rosling (prepare to be relaxed).

Remember: when you’re on stage, don’t think too much about what you have to say next. Relax, be in the moment and smile. It’s okay to improvise. But there’s a catch!

What will people remember after listening to your story? What will be the “take home message”? Even if you are confident, don’t just wing it. Yes, it’s okay to improvise, in fact I encourage it. But do prepare your final statement and learn it by heart. It will give you some extra courage and boy, will you look confident right before you say… “Thank you!”.

Smile! You’re on stage.

In cooperation with Logitech I’m putting together a list of “speaking hacks”. No matter if you’re addressing an audience of 1,500 people or if you’re speaking to a group of five directors, here are some simple pointers that anyone can use. If you think that your words are all that matters… think again. Yes, your words are important. But if people aren’t paying attention,