The story behind an opening video

The story behind an opening video

A lot of people asked me about this spectacular video. Let me just give you a little history and then let the second video speak for itself.

I had worked with the agency We Are Pi before. They were the ones who came up with the brilliant idea to work together with the National Ballet and create the opening of TEDxAmsterdam with a human brain.

So, when I faced the challenge of bringing some creative glue to the TEDxSummit in Doha, I didn’t hesitate for a second and asked We Are Pi if they wanted to do it all again. And -lucky for us- they said yes!

The briefing was simple: “Can you show that amazing things can happen when people come together”.

For me, that is what TEDx is all about. Nothing more, nothing less. And one thing led to another and before we knew it Alex, Jamie, Rick and Barney had come up with another brilliant concept and got this all star team from Paris on board and filmed their “human arabesque”.

Believe me, what you see is what really happened. No special effects, no photoshop. Or as Rick put it: “No smoke, just mirrors”. Don’t believe it? Please watch “the making of” and get the whole story.

Create the future… this week

Deze week start de Crossmediaweek weer, of eigenlijk: PicNic’08. Elk jaar weer een genot om daar een aantal dagen rond te lopen. Ik kijk uit naar: Clay Shirkey, schrijver van het boek “Here comes everybody” Werner Vogels, chief technological officer Amazon The Emerging Real-Time Social Web, paneldiscussie met onder meer Linda Stone, Jyri Eckstrom en Addy Feuerstein Loic Lemeur, de oprichter van Seesmic En

Creativity: something out of nothing

Schrijfster Amy Tan was een van de sprekers op TED 2008 die sprak over creativiteit. Waarom creëren we? En waar komt het vandaan? Het is een interessante presentatie voor de creatieven onder ons en komisch als je aan het begin nog even meekrijgt wat de “tips voor succes” zijn voor een standaard TED-talk 🙂 rehearse but act spontaneous provide REVELATIONS show VULNERABILITY is AL